This is the original photo that I will edit using the liquify tool.
This is the first edit I made. I made it look as natural and real as possible, as you can obviously see. The proportions were made as accurately as I could, using the bloat and pucker tools under the Liquify tab.
This is the final edit I made of the stock photo of this lady. For this one, I still used the bloat and pucker tools. Bloat makes things bigger, and pucker makes them smaller. I used them in the appropriate areas that would be used in advertising.
For this photo, I got a stock picture of a man from the STJ Graphic Design website. I made very slight, yet noticeable and realistic change to him. First, I made his muscles larger using the bloat tool. Using the Liquify tool, there's an option to edit a persons face, aka making their eyes closer or further apart, making their lips larger, etc. I used this, but only slightly on him. I also contoured his chest, neck, and arms using a 50% grey layer mask, and filling dark parts with black and light parts with white. I put the layer on the blending mode Soft Light to make the changes look more subtle.